Making the Move to Motion

APA_motion_eventbriteHave you made the move to making movies?
Now’s your chance to show off your directorial dexterity at the upcoming screening roundtable discussion ‘Making The Move To Motion.’ Send us your 5-minute (max) motion project (on any topic) and join us on Thursday, August 30th with your popcorn bowl for APA San Diego’s silver screen event.

The most interesting and accomplished pieces will be selected and shown large, so compress to impress. All levels of photographers and cinematographers are encouraged to join the night’s discussions.

To submit, please send a link to by August 15th. We will screen as many submissions as possible.

WHEN: Thursday, August 30, 2018
Doors open at 6:30 PM, Event starts at 7 PM

WHERE: Riverdale Studios
6314 Riverdale St., San Diego, CA 92120 | 619-280-9900

SPECS: 1080p HD | Limit 2 submissions per person | Max 5 minutes long, including credits

We are professionals and license our photos, so be sure to license any music, etc., in your video

COST: APA | SD Members: Free
Students & Affiliates: $5.00
Non-members: $10.00

Reserve your seat now

Photo credit: Gary Allard

Special Thanks to:

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